Woke up too a beautiful morning. The clouds give a touch of art too the morning sky. I love the endless blue skies of summer here, but a few clouds can give it interest.

The best gardens for me are the ones that invite wildlife in, even "pests". Ok...maybe not all, but some I can live with. These are found on my Datura sp.
"Tomato Hornworm"," hummingbird spinx month caterpillar"
Manduca sexta
"not a pest!"
Pacific tree frog
Despite the freezing nights, some flower still blooming.
agastache sp.
liatris flower, just started to bloom.
Some new plants, some old.
My new cactus from cactusbylin.com
Ferocactus cylindraceus, will be planted outside next year and covered in the winter.
Unknown ferocactus I grew from seed. Came from a desert seed pack sold in the southwest.
This is last one I have, all the other died with lows in the low 20's
Purple pricklypear cross. Planting it outside next year.
Some cactus seed that sprouted from mulch that came with a desert plant I bought.
Looks like purple pricklypear. Opuntia santa rita?
And the best for last! A new hybrid cross I got from my friend Tim.
Yucca arkansana "freemannii" x reverchonii-thompsonii
Will be covered this first year.
This was also from Tim.
Yucca gluaca-stricta, Maxwell NE