Sunday, October 20, 2013

What is the biggest cold hardy cactus? For me it is...

For me the biggest cold hardy cactus is Echinocactus polycephalus, well that is if we are talking about a single stem cactus.
Of course the cholla and prickly-pears will be much larger in over all mass, that could be one for a future post.;0)

Echinocactus polycephalus.
"covered in the winter with clear plastic"  See older posts.
A very difficult cactus to obtain. The are protected in the wild and should be.  The are slow growing, and from what I read, they are about twenty years from seed to flower.  So it would be very rare to see them grown commercially, even though I think it would be awesome!  I have grown them from seed, but lost them before they got to any size.  I believe I let them get too dry.  Younger plants seem to need much more water than older plants.  As a matter of fact this plant need very good drainage and protection from winter wet.  Over watering is a sure way of death for this one.  
PS. I bought mine from a nursery that received it from a legal salvage operation, and yes it was shipped with the tags.

And some agave from my yard for blog post filler.

Agave parryi

Agave utahensis x neomexicana

Agave parryi

Agave neomexicana 

Agave havardiana 

And the next four are all
Agave palmeri
All covered and all made it through their first winter. 

        PS.  I lost my Agave utahensis var kaibabensis. 
Looked fine after winter, but later died.  It was not covered. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Yucca update, Yucca rostrata. "Fall"

My biggest Y. rostrata
Starting to trunk, 3'6"

Yucca rostrata

Yucca rostrata

Yucca rostrata

Yucca stricta
 I should have planted this one deeper.

Yucca arkansana "Freemannii" x reverchonii thompsoniana

Y. flaccida x reverchonii-thompsoniana

Y. flaccida x reverchonii-thompsoniana

Desert Willow
Second year, covered in winter.
Leaves are froze back because of early frost.