Had very little growth on the yuccas this season. last fall we had another warm/cold spell. This has been what I found kills or damages my yuccas the most. I did not lose any yuccas, but growth was slow to come out of the damage areas and I did lose one Yucca brevifolia branch, even though it was the warmest winter I have seen here (Shoshone).
Yucca brevifolia
Yucca torreyi
Yucca elata
Yucca rostara
Yucca faxoniana
An amazing hybrid Yucca thompsoniana x elata
Thank you Tim!
This could be the most awesome yucca ever, only time will tell.
Yucca gloriosa x elata, many thanks Tim.
Yucca torreyi
Echinocereus triglochidiatus "white sands"
Trying this one again, survived one of the coldest winters here, but died during the second warmest.
Echinocereus ledingii
Yucca elata
Echinocactus polycephalus "love this cactus"
Echinocactus polycephalus I bought this year.
This is what happens when planted without temporary shade, cactus sunburn easy.
Always plant in the same direction as the were in the ground, or use shade for a couple of weeks.
Yucca rostrata or thombsoniana
Coryphantha sp.
Agave parryi, central AZ mountains. Takes cold, but not wet cold.
Yucca brevifolia, I removed one branch that had cold damage.
Echinocereus inermis
Yucca elata
Yucca baccata
Yucca faxoniana
Hybrid, Agave utahensis x neomexicana
Y. flaccida x reverchonii-thompsoniana. I think?
Yucca baccata
This is what happens when you remove to many leaves from a yucca.
Desperately needs to be moved.
Agave palmeri
Finally starting to grow now that the weather is cooling.
Yucca brevifolia
Yucca thompsoniana or maybe rostrata.
Yucca angustissima
Yucca baccata
Agave parryi "Flagstaff"
Found in garden, many good people have given me seed over the years that I have broadcast out into the garden, so it could be anything. But I believe it is a form of Opuntia phaeacantha.
I should have paid attention when I bought this, forgot what it is?
This is either Y. faxon or Y. austrailis, I got some of them mixed up when I grew them. This one not as cold hardy as the others, could be austrailis
E. reichenbachii
Yucca gloriosa verigata
I believe this is going to be one very interesting yucca when it grows up.
Yucca arkansana "freemanii" x reverchonii-thompsoniana
Yucca neomexicana
Y. gloriosa, I think? I got it from Tim.
Y. rostrata
Opuntia unknown, Tim was also kind enough to give me this also.
Y. brevifolia
Opuntia spinosibacca, many thanks Judy in Kansas.
Agave havardiana, why not try it again. Hope you freeze you wimpy plant! Tough love. lol
OMG, how cool is this yucca from Tim.
I think it is a rostrata cross of something.
Agave palmeri, not doing well, but alive.
Yucca elata
Yucca brevifolia
Yucca elata
"Big Mama" Y. "filata" grown from seed. Thanks Tim.
This handsome guy and his 6 girl friends.
Greasewood, Sarcobatus
Yucca brevifolia, side sucker. Going to try and move it in the spring.
Yucca glauca
Opuntia basilaris x engelmannii