It's been awhile sense the last time I've been on a day trip or hiking around the local desert (Lincoln County, ID).
I was browsing "" When I noticed someone in my local area was posting recent reptile and amphibian locals on the field maps. I sent him a message to see if he lived in the area, and as luck had it he lives about 8 miles away.
I don't mind hiking around the desert by myself, but I always prefer a friend to go with. I don't think anyone wants a mishap like a wound or flat tire by themselves.'s hard too push yourself out of the sand when your vehicle it suck, I know It has happened to me a couple of times.
My new friend Alex is a good person to go hiking with, no complaining or whining, despite it being very hot that day. He even picked up every can and bottle we walked across. Glad too see someone else doing this for a change, and I did as well.
Because it was the end of August, mostly we found only newly hatched reptiles. In August/Sept. adult reptiles go into a state of rest so the young can feed and find shelter without the adults feeding on them.
Here a few pics from that day trip. All the following lizards are new hatch-lings from this season.
Alex in habitat view.
Desert Horned Lizard #1
(Phrynosoma platyrhinos)
Desert Horned Lizard #1
(Phrynosoma platyrhinos)
Western Whip-tail Lizard
(Aspidoscelis tigris)
Whip-tail habitat view, but we also saw these in the rocky grassy areas.
Desert Horned Lizard #2
(Phrynosoma platyrhinos)
Longnosed Leopard-lizard
(Gambelia wislizenii)
Leopard Lizard habitat view.