Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Miracle Hot Springs in the Hagerman Valley, and then back home to my garden.

Miracle Hot Springs is one of many swimming holes in the Hagerman Valley. The valley is carved by the Snake River in a partial canyon that is full of waterfalling springs that disperse out of the walls of the canyon.  It is also known as "Thousand Springs" and for good reason.  I look forward to sharing more pics of the area in the future.
The reason we went to this swimming hole and not one of the others is because this one has some big gators that survives the cold winters with their very own hot pools.
 Carved from lava rock, I would love a few for my garden!

Big and Bad!

And then back home.
Opuntia basilaris 

 And the only pediocactus I still have.  They are a favorite of mice!

Sclerocactus parviflorus

Echinocereus triglochidiatus 'Inermis'
You can see some winter burn from last winter.

A small Yucca brevifolia

I don't know what this is yet?

My big Yucca brevifolia or "j-tree" (joshua tree)
Did not do very well after the very early cold snap last November, but is starting to regrow. 
Thank You God.

New growth. :o)

Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly weed)

Zauschneria garrttii "mountain flame"

Oenothera pallida "white stemmed primrose"

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