Monday, December 26, 2011

The days are getting longer and so far winter has been good.

I have been getting lots of stuff done this winter.  Normally in the winter it is almost impossible to pic rock because of the frozen ground or it is so muddy you cant get to the rocks. In the summer it is hard to do much hardscaping because of all the other things to do, like weeding and watering etc...  So yes I have been making the best of this winter.

Put the last of the hardscape in, two big rocks in the planting bed. 

Rocks almost always look better when they are buried at least 1/4 in the ground.  This helps anchor the hardscape and has a much more natural look.

This is why I have no birds at the feeder today.
American Kestrel 

Cactus in the winter are like fish out of water.

A bank that I started to cover with rock.  I only need to find ten thousand more rocks. :o(

Can you tell from where the wind blows? ha!

I hope to have this all rocked in by the end of summer?

A shot from the garden on a nice winter day. it might have been 40-45deg

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