Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Burnt cactus, last snow of the year? and start of a new project.

This is a good shot of some cold damage that showed up this winter on my native Opuntia sp. and I do mean native as too this county.  I do believe this winter damage came from the crazy winter from last season, but now is more visible after another winter.
So...when you see some burn on a trial plant from the south west it may be just as normal as the burn as these native prickly-pear.      

Echinocactus polycephalus

Opuntia basilaris, very cold hardy form.

Agave parryii

Sclerocactus parviflorus

And the new project, as if I need another project.  I should finish the ones I already

I am taking down the siding and putting O.S.B. board up, filling any gaps I find then I will put up house wrap, 1" blue-board and then put back the original siding.  Should make my house much cooler in the summer. (west wall)  

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a nice, wet snow. But some damage on even native cacti can happen with this wacky weather pattern the intermountain west is in right now, right down to Abq.
