Friday, August 31, 2012

A little rain.

What appeared to be a welcoming August rain turned out to be a monster rain and lighting storm. Little did I know when I took these pics that this was not the end of a quick shower but the Beginning of a major storm.

About an hour or so later the real storm rolled in and lighting like I have never seen before shook the house and ground, it was amazing!  The gutters and washes soon turned into mini floods that plugged drains and flooded streets.  I felt like a kid again, goose bumps ran up and down my arms.  My sense of awareness soon heightened but as I grew into my adulthood I had to question whether it was safe to be outside with so much lighting?

Well before I could get my camera out my phone rang and I was soon called into work. My job does not let me enjoy the wonders of weather.  Ever time it gets good it is almost a sure sign for me to go to work!  I'm a overseer of a maintenance department. Flooded streets and power outages always get in the way of a good storm.

I hope one day to be retired and sit with a cup of coffee and just enjoy the storm... 

At the time I was so happy to see this little puddle of rain water, later it rained over an inch!  

And a profile plant from the garden.

Petrophytum caespitosum
A wonderful but slow growing plant from the dry alpine or even desert canyons.  I only give the older plants water every month or less, I killed the first one I had by over watering.

My two new additions, I started these last fall and are doing good.  I hope to separate them this fall.

Garden notes.
The flowers are just about spent and the nights are getting cooler.
The only things that seem to grow faster this time of year are my yuccas!  Happens every late summer and fall, as soon as the nights cool down my yuccas growth speeds up, sometimes all the way into winter! Of course this can also hurt them, so water little in late Summer and fall if you live in a cooler climate!

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