Sunday, January 13, 2013

Damn you winter! Damn youuuuuuu!

Have I ever told you how much I love winter.  I look forward to it every year. As a matter of fact I start thinking how wonderful it is way back in August, and then as the days get shorter and the nights colder I think about it even more.  Oh how I love you little wonderland of pure crap!

Our nights are back below -0F and our days are in the teens and single digits. This is the only time when I think snow cover may do some good. 
Echinocereus triglochidiatus mohovensis


Yucca brevifolia

And even though the sun is out, still only 5F outside!


  1. Oh, wow! You really DO have snow! Our local Santa Rosa mountains have some. I do think that yuccas look beautiful in the snow! :-) Just COULD be 120 degrees outside instead! :-)

    1. So true, things could always be worse. I do like the scenery of snow, I just don't like what it does to my plants. Around here if snow stays around to long it gets colder and colder. it has been. lol

      PS. I bet the Santa Rosa mountains are gorgeous!

  2. Aaron: you have my complete sympathy and agreement: it's chilly outside here too (tonight may be our first subzero night) and of course the snow has melted off of my Cotyledon orbiculata and Tacitus bellus (both looking pretty good up to now) not to mention Dudleyas and lots more....but we historically would have had much colder temperatures by now so I shouldn't complain! Just think--they've had snow in Jerusalem and San Diego--and you think WE have problems! Hang in there, buddy--spring will be here before you know it!

    1. Thanks for the words of encouragement. You are right, spring will be here soon!

  3. intermountain people are getting trounced, maybe not in records, but in duration. Still bad...saw it was 7F in Willcox AZ (not a big deal there) and 7F in Douglas AZ. This will pass, and by February, we'll be going, "phew".

    PK's points are great. I saw snow in San Diego, and what 15F lows did in the inland valleys in 1990.

    1. I seen that Willcox got down to 7F the other night! Heck my nieghbors said they had 5F south of there.
      Even with that kind of cold I don't think it will hurt anything the big freeze didn't kill? I hope not.

      I'm planning a trip down there this May. As always I will be amazed how well plants survived.:0)
