Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring never ever gets old, EVER!!!

Sorry it took so long to write descriptions for this page.  I would like to say I've been so busy with work and the garden, but I think it was more just being lazy. 

Idaho the land of variety
Looking east from my yard.

Trumpeter Swans,
at work in one of the holding ponds.  We counted as many as 50, looks like the numbers are coming back.  These used to be a rare sight in Idaho. 

New plants!
These are a few hybrids yuccas started from seed. These were created by my friend Tim on the east coast.
Yucca filimentosa x with Yucca elata = Yucca filata's
The single one too the left is known as "big mama"
I have high hope for this one. 

Lately I have been looking for hybrid desert plants, hoping that they may take the cold better?
Opuntia engelmannii x with Opuntia basilaris 

I think this will be my fourth attempt with this barrel.
Ferocactus hamatacanthus
I have had better luck with the big barrels.

A mealy bug infeasted Echinocereus triglochidiatus (white sands).
The only thing I have found to work on these bugs is vegetable oil!

My great big Opuntia englemannii pad

And one more hybrid,
Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa x biglovii


  1. Beautiful moon: spring is making tentative baby steps here again between snowstorms!

    1. Baby steps are good!

      Here in Idaho I think we are going to see an early summer. A rare sight.

  2. I'm seeing progress, things more perky. The moon over the wilderness photo - wow!

    1. I see you are warming up, amazing desert ferns you have posted. What a sight!
