Saturday, January 11, 2014

As the weather warms, more frost damage shows it's ugly face.

  Not sure if these Sclerocactus parviflorus are falling over from the cold spell, or if the are dying from old age or disease.  The have lasted through many cold spells of the same temps without fail.   

Echinocereus triglochidiatus 
Turning the color, and my guess it it wont live through summer.

When they look like they are translucent or like hard jello than things may not be good. 

More rocks in place, more to go!

I now think I know what this is? 
Opuntia tunicata
This e-bay cholla is doing just fine and looks as it did in the fall, no drooping stems.

This one looks good, but the damn mealy bugs did not die from the freeze!  They could be spreading disease from cactus to cactus.  I need to spray them with vegetable-oil kills them dead.

Not sure if my Echinocereus ledingii are damaged or just doing their thing.  Spring will tell the real story.   

New rock area, just about finished.  

Last years hardscape, finished!


  1. The back lit, frosted cholla is stunning.

  2. As the World's Foremost Authority on cactus and succulent death (no one on the planet knows more about dead cactus than I do), I suggest poking them with a stick. Squishy is bad. My Echinocereus dasyacanthus did the same thing last winter, fell over; the top looked good, but the base, not good at all. Some people claim you can save them by cutting off the bad parts and trying to root the part that's green, but that's never worked for me. (Even E. reichenbachii did that last winter, when it rained three times.)
    Gorgeous photos of frosted plants, by the way.

  3. Jason, thanks for the kind comment.

    Bob, lol. thanks for the good advice. I agree 100 percent.
