Friday, September 5, 2014

A vacation, drove down came back.

Had like a hundred pics taken on the way down, Southern Utah, Northern AZ, and Central AZ, but I have no idea what happened to them.  I must have deleted them some how. :(

We stayed at Benson AZ this time. 

Nice sp. of opuntia, I think it was engelmannii    

These mealy bugs were doing a number on the opuntia, some close to death. 

Yucca rostrata

All the palms in the area looked great, despite being severely froze back in 2010.

I don't think this will be a long term palm for the area, but there is always hope. 

And the use of a elm tree in the landscape.  I don't know what the species is, any one have a guess?  

This might be the coolest fur-ball of a W. filifera I have seen.

And yes the palms looked great.  

Went for a short hike in the dragoons, and then drove around Sunsites and then old Pearce.  The saguaro in Old Pearce looks good and has recover nicely after the freeze, but I have no pictures!  I could kick myself.    

My friend Eric. He traveled down there with me. 

Opuntia chlorotica.

So many flowers I have never seen before.

We had a good visit with my neighbors Bill and Carlene.  Bill is 90 years old and tough as nails!
Car parked at the neighbors. 

A walk around on my property (Old Pearce AZ), and a few shots of some flowers.

The Yucca baccata  in that area are much taller than they are in others places I have seen them. 

Coyote gourds?  

I finally found a horned lizard on my property.  
 Phrynosoma modestum (round tailed horned lizard)

Liking the little town of Elfrida more and more.  I might have to find a fixer upper there.

Look at the difference between these two Paloverde Trees.  #1. Protected by this south facing building, looks great!
#2 Same Paloverde Tree sp. and planted in the same landscaping, but on the north side and away from the protection of the building.    

A fixer upper?  It would be just right for me, I spend all my time outside.
The big palms in Bisbee,  Looking alive again, came back good after the freeze.  

Because of my friends condition, we dis more driving than walking around, but we did stop off at Boot-Hill. Tombstone AZ. 
Eric in front of a living ocotillo fence. 

The mission at St. David.

 The olive is coming back nicely, but most of it was cut back. 

Even the date palms looked awesome in a zone 8b (Benson AZ).

Gila Bend

Desert Spiny Lizard, Alamo NV

The only palm I have found in Alamo NV (zone8)  Still there.

A neonate Leopard Lizard, rest stop in NV. 

Habitat shot. 

At the next rest area I found sage brush lizards.

Habitat shot.


  1. Beautiful area which must be visited! Thanks a lot for sharing!!! Igor, Kazakhstan

    1. Hey Igor, always good to hear from you. It would much fun if we could meet up there one day and hike around.

  2. This was the worst case of cochineal bugs I have seen. The cactus in the pic was the best one out of the three. The other two were fallen over and rotting, but they might come out of it.

    Thanks for the ID on the elm tree.

    I'm always looking Y. schottii seed, but they never seem to have seeds on them when I find them. I would love to try a seed grown one here.

    I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my property, it gets harder to get to every year (the roads are worse). Also it is so nice and native (plant wise) I would have a hard time digging it up for a house. I think I keep it because I have a connection with my neighbors and gives me reason to go down there.
    I'm hoping to find a cheap little home in Sunsites, St David, Benson, Willlcox or maybe even Elfrida. Only time will tell what I will do. lol I have some property in NM and Texas I need to go and see. I think I will keep them also, so I can have a reason to travel to far out places.

    I've always liked the transition zone of the Alamo NV area. A few of the plants I have in my yard came from that area.
