Sunday, May 22, 2011

New plants for the garden.

I went to the annual plant sale at Plantasia Cactus Garden and took home some very nice plants for a decent price.
With 5 acres of native and cold hardy unusual plants this is one of the very best desert/wildlife gardens in the west.  The owner LaMar Orton is not only knowledgeable but is also a friend to everyone that walks into the garden.  I have known LaMar for over 10 years now and he has always been kind and helpful.  I highly recommend buying plants from this top notch nursery. 
An appointment is necessary before a visit, but is well worth it.

PS. I did not take my camera with me yesterday so all pics of his gardens are from last year.

Here is just a few of the plant I took home.
three leaf sumac

"Scrub Oak"
Quercus Turbinella

Shepherdia agentea

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Parking/road uopdat pic

Somehow I forgot to post a pic of the road work.  I gravel is recycled material and is hauled in with 5gal. buckets.

Middle of May and things are warming up.

The smell of new growth and the song of birds feel the air.  These are the days that make a person forget about the doom and gloom of winter.  See Ya next year Old Man Winter! ha!

This is also the first year our City has had a car show in the City Park, I wish I had the time this weekend to get some pics, but just too busy with my yard and other plans took priority.

I have yet to mention that I am the care taker of the city parks and head of all other city maintenance.  We have a small crew but seem to keep things going regardless of what disaster happens.

Here is a pic of our local Park.

And also some weekly up dates around the yard.

Looking from the neighbors side, I try and keep the wild grass mowed.

My big yucca brevifolia, still not looking good.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Busy at work, busy at home and busy thinking of a vacation.

I have been waiting all year to take a vacation, basically just after I returned home from the last  I would love to take a couple of friends with us this year, but I don't think they can go.  Work is not easy to get a way from and I totally understand if they can't go, besides there is always next year.

  If they can't go, we might just wait until fall, winter, or hope for next year?  Who know, but one things for sure, I don't want to sweat the small stuff.

Our friends are like family to me and I think of them every time I see something special.  To show pics from a vacation is one thing, but to share memories is another. 

Pic from last years vacation, Cochise Strong hold, Dragoon Mountains, Sunsites AZ area.
Now for more desert garden pics.  I'm hoping to keep weekly updates on the growing season and the changes my yard goes through.  Every year the spring weeds piss me off!  I don't understand how every year I pull darn near every weed in the yard and after winter you would not know

Yucca torreyi, not good, might come back from the roots.
Desert Olive
Yucca rostrata

Big J-tree, not doing very good.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

I think Spring is here, and all is good.

Even though we are about a month behind the weeds don't seem to think so.  Cold wet weather has had very little effect on the growth rate of the weeds, so this year I have spent lots of overtime on weed removal.
Despite the wasted time outside on weed control I have enjoyed every minute of it. Just to be outside with the warm sun and the smell of new plant growth is a reward with in it's self.

Here are some pics of my Idaho desert garden.  I will try and post new yard pics when ever I can.

first snake of the year, gopher snake, very good at mouse control.

Yard pics. May-7-2011

New drought tolerant grass mix, starting to grow in.
Here is some plants that did good and not so good.

Did good, covered, Enchino polycephalus

Not so good....

Yucca torreyi

Yucca rostrata, but will be ok.

Agave havardiana, covered, but I don't think it make it.  I have yet to find a hardy A. havardiana.

Cercocarpus led. , will live, but was rabbit food.