Sunday, September 25, 2011

Never enough time.

I went to see LaMar at Plantaisa Cactus Gardens.
  The garden is always good to see no matter what part of the season it is.  I had about an hour or so to look around the garden, but it felt like 15 minutes.  So many plants, so many questions and so little time. 
I love to hear about the plants and how they have or have not made it through the winters.  Where the are from and how he acquired them.
 There is always a next time.

A few more pics, sorry if I always take pics of the same things.  I think it is what my wants to see.

Monster E. trig's "white sands"

And some goodies I took home.

Look how large the pads on this prickly-pear are. 


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Last day of summer, what a bummer.

Don't get me wrong, I love to work outside in the cooler temps of fall.  I just hate the shorter days and the thought of winter.
  Even winter has an upside for my garden, I just wish I could miss it by going south.   

Delosperma "ice plants"
I try these ever year and they always freeze the first or second winter. So I try again. 

 Yucca Brevifolia

 This has been a log time in the making, a finished turn around-parking area.
One five gallon bucket at a time.  
PS I am still seeing hummers flying around, I hope they make the journey south or west OK.  I would hate to see them get into trouble.
And I have seen more lizards this year than any other, and that always puts a smile on my face :o)     

Monday, September 12, 2011

Trip to Boise foot hills, back home to garden.

 Boise Idaho foot hills.
Went to Boise for a wedding and took a couple of shots from the foot hills.  It was a nice sub, but I would have hard to time living that close to people and I'm not big on hoa's. It was not a very clear day but was still a nice view.  The only thing that could make the view better is to be on the east side of the foot hills for a view of the down town area.   

Back Home for more of the same garden pic.
An awesome plant for Hummers!

I thought I had gotten rid of this plant but it keeps coming back, but so pretty I think I will leave it.
 O basilaris
This is a plant I got from my friend Jay in Canada. 
Took a beating from last winter, but still lives.

My strange rostrata, with narrow leaves, but does not look like linearfolia.

Weed removal still in progress.

This is one cool native plant, found growing straight out of the lava and needs no water.
I only wish I could remember what it is?
 Yucca brevifolia is looking beat up, but keeps on growing.
11 new crowns!